Riverstone is on the forefront of the world’s accelerated transition to low carbon forms of energy across end markets globally.

Key facts as of March 31, 2024

Capital Raised


Portfolio companies since inception


The investment landscape within energy transition has continued to evolve over the past two decades, with opportunities shifting from power generation to a new era of decarbonization and technological advancement as electric vehicles and low carbon energy become mainstream across commercial, industrial and residential end markets. As climate change becomes increasingly important to governments, corporations and consumers, we believe that Riverstone is well-positioned to capitalize on long-term secular trends.

We believe that investing in decarbonization requires strong technical knowledge and a deep understanding of the evolution of energy transition over time. Riverstone began investing in low carbon energy opportunities across the value chain over 18 years ago and has built an established franchise that is difficult to emulate. The rapid adoption of clean energy sources is expected to create unprecedented disruption, resulting in compelling opportunities for those with the expertise to identify market trends and dislocations and the capital to deliver innovative solutions.

Private Equity

Private Equity

A twenty-year history of investing across the entire energy value chain globally

Private equity


Taking advantage of changing regulatory and capital markets dynamics for middle-market energy companies

Latin America

Latin America

Leveraging our local team to identify unique opportunities arising from deregulation and decarbonization trends in the region

Latin America